The Decennial Insurance coverage guarantees, for 10 years, compensation for material damage caused to the building due to vices or defects originating in or affecting the structural elements, and which directly compromise the mechanical resistance and stability of the building.
According to Law 38/1999, LOE (Ley Ordenación de la Edificación), the Decennial Insurance is compulsory for the promoters of residential buildings, being the insured and beneficiaries themselves and the future purchasers of the constructed dwellings.
Complementarily, we will offer the three-year insurance, which guarantees for three years the repair of material damages related to waterproofing and watertightness defects of the building envelope (facades and roofs).
We are undertaking this project hand in hand with the ZURICH Insurance Company, with the backing of a traditional and strong company in the technical insurance sector, and under a direct collaboration between the underwriters of both entities to offer a product tailored to the needs of developers and individuals.